Posted by sex on January 17, 2025 at 22:45:17:
In Reply to: душевая дверь 100 см posted by Gadukaarcaf on March 04, 2024 at 01:54:50:
Bennettitales (cycadeoids) are an extinct gymnosperm clade that formed a serious componnt
of the Mesozoic vegetation worldwide. They've been implicated within the origin of the angiosperms and the Gnetales.
Important Bennettitales genera are Cycadeoidea, Bennettites and Williamsonia.
The Cycadales (cycads) are an extant ancient group of seed plants and contains the Cycadaceae (Cycas, "sago palms") and
Zamiaceae (Zamia, Ceratozamia, Dioon). They are palmlike
or fernlike seed plants and are a minor part of the flora in tropical and subtropical
areas at the moment. The Bennettitales and Cycadales first appeared
in the Triassic and early Permian, respectively, and dominated many parts of the world in the
course of the Jurassic interval (206 to 144 MYBP). Because of this the Jurassic is commonly referred to because the "Age of Cycads".
The Bennettitales and the dinosaurs became extinct towards the top of
the Cretaceous; the Cretaceous interval (144 to sixty five MYBP) was characterized by the speedy radiation of the angiosperms beginning
within the wet tropics. The Bennettitales had been proposed as doable flowering plant ancestors due to their flower-like bisexual reproductive structures.